4 Tips That Will Help You Love Reading Your Bible

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Reading the Bible can be so hard. You know you should. You really want to. But…

Sometimes it’s confusing and difficult to understand (what’s with all those weird names?!) And the very hardest part is staying engaged and creating a consistent habit of reading when you sometimes struggle to see how it relates to your life.

That was me for years. I would get a new devotional or Bible reading plan, and for the first few days or weeks I’d start off strong. But eventually I would fizzle out and stop reading for months or even years at a time. It was a constant struggle that left me feeling defeated and guilty. Wondering if there was something wrong with me, or like there was some sort of secret that I was missing that would make me love to read the Bible. I wondered when I would ever discover it.

I’m sad to report that there is no magical formula or closely guarded secret, but through years of trial and error and lots of prayer I’ve discovered 4 keys that will help you learn to LOVE reading the Bible. Really. And I’m going to share these tips with you here!

They are:
*Read a different/new version of the Bible
*Read just one verse
*Try a new Scripture-based devotional
*Let go of guilt

So if you’re tired of struggling to read the Bible, wondering why you just can’t seem to get into it, or feel like you’re just never going to figure it out, you’re in the right place. I’m praying and truly believing that these 4 things will ignite a passion for the Word of God in you, just like it did for me.

Are you ready? Let’s get to it!

Start by giving yourself permission. Permission to:

1. Read a different/new version
I was given an NIV Bible as a girl. Coincidentally, that was the same version that my pastor preached from every week and the version I memorized Scripture from in Sunday School (Ah, the 80’s and 90’s). Over time, I was almost numb to the words and the language stopped connecting with me. It either went over my head, or I heard it so many times in church services that the power of the words just sailed right through my ears and never landed in my heart.

It never occurred to me to try reading a different version. I figured other versions wouldn’t be much different. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I don’t remember how I got my hands on my first copy of The Message, but reading it was life-changing for me. Suddenly, verses that I’d heard for years came to life in a new way. Striking me with force and conviction like I’d never experienced before.

Now, I try to read a different version of the Bible every year, so I don’t become so familiar with the words that they lose their impact.

My 3 favorite versions to read when it was hard to read the Bible were:
1) The Message
2) The New Living Translation
3) The Immerse Bible (I recommend beginning with “Messiah”)

2. Read just one verse
Last year I was challenged to read the Bible not to check something off a list but to check my heart. Sometimes that means I only read one verse a day (sometimes I read the same verse for several days). And then I let the verse read me.

Mark Batterson has been quoted as saying, “Many Christians are educated beyond their level of obedience.” I have found that to be true in my own life, and the simple solution to that is to give yourself permission to read slowly and prayerfully asking God to help you bring your life into alignment with what you just read.

It’s not easy, but this has made a huge difference for me. In this process, I discovered just how much I want to read my Bible to achieve rather than to receive whatever God wants to teach or speak to me.

Reading the Bible (and applying what you’ve read) to your life is the gateway that invites God’s blessing and favor onto and into your life. Don’t be in a hurry when you read. He will do the work if you will be faithful to show up to read even a little bit and then ask how it applies to you.

3. Try a devotional that includes a Bible reading plan
If you’re still struggling to get started, this might be the way to go. Find a devotional that gives you a plan to follow. This devotional literally changed my life—Solo: The Message. The thoughtful way in which they put together each day’s reading is nothing short of inspired. I know you’ll love it and find it so incredibly helpful!

4. Let go of guilt
Stop wasting minutes, hours or days feeling guilty over all the time you haven’t spent reading your Bible. I know it can be easy to get stuck in this cycle of feeling like a failure, but it only keeps you from moving forward. Want to know who Jesus enjoyed spending time with the most? The people who didn’t have it all figured out. The ones who humbly admitted their need and knew they were still learning. So, stay humble, admit you don’t have it all figured out, and ask for help. God will be faithful to meet you.

Friend, these 4 things have made a huge difference for me. I can honestly say, over time, I’ve come to love reading the Bible. I look forward to it each day, and I miss it when I don’t read for a few days. With these tips and a little bit of prayer I know the same can be true for you!

Drop me a line and let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear from you! And while you’re here check out these related posts and my shop for more great resources designed with you in mind.

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