God Doesn't Hate You

Ever felt like God hates you?

Or thought that God has abandoned you?

I have.

I’m writing a book about that time in my life. It’s filled with some very personal stories of how I walked through that season, and my prayer is that it will be honest enough to help someone else who can relate to what I experienced.

And I need your help!

I want to make sure I’m writing a book that’s genuinely helpful and not just a collection of words on a page. This is an important topic and I feel like it doesn't get talked about often enough and honestly enough.

If you’ve ever felt that way, like God has abandoned you or hates you, I would love to know what you would be looking for in a book about the subject that would make it irresistible to you?

What would make it a must-read for you?

What would you find most helpful?

What would be least helpful?

I’m also toying with several title/subtitle combinations. Feel free to weigh in on your favorite.

They are (in no particular order):

GOD DOESN’T HATE YOU: And 5 Other Truths to Give You Hope When it Feels Like You're Drowning in Doubt

HOLY DOUBT: The Skeptic’s Path to Reconnecting with God

NOT ABANDONED: A Love Letter to the Skeptical Heart

HOLY DOUBT: How to Reconnect With God When it Feels Like He Hates You

I would love to hear your opinion on these questions and titles and I would love to hear your stories.

Please leave me a comment or email me. I can’t wait to hear from you!